Pain Relief Path

I'm doing ALL the things, but still feel stuck!

Dr. Pan Zhang Season 1 Episode 32

This message is for all of you out there doing ALL the things

You’re eating right

You’re Journaling

You’re exercising to your pace

You’re seeing a therapist/s

But you’re still in pain. 

If you’re one of those people: I have one question for you:

Do you believe?

Do you believe in yourself?

Do you believe in your goals?

Do you believe in the path?

Or are there stories that are playing in your head that are keeping you down?

Are you feeling like every time you take a step forward, you take two steps back?

Are you constantly feeling frustrated aren’t where you think you should be?

Are you feeling like even though you are doing all the things, you feel like you should be doing more?

If you’re one of those people, I invite you to just pause and take a breath. 

Think back to 1 year ago, and remember your day to day life then. 

What were you frustrated with? What couldn’t you do? What do you wish you could do?

Take a look at where you are now. How have those things improved? How do you feel since that has all changed?

Next step: 

Make a list of your frustrations, the things you can’t do, the things you are unhappy with about your life. 

After you’ve done this, put it aside. Keep doing you, and come back and three months and see how your life has changed. 

Welcome to Pain Relief Path! I am Dr. Pan Zhang, Physical Therapist turned Chronic Pain Coach. In this channel, I talk about all things chronic pain, and most importantly, how to get you on the path to your pain free life. I coach my clients through education, exploration, and empowerment to help them live the life they want and deserve. I'm also privileged to have guests from all different disciplines to talk about different aspects of life that contribute to chronic pain. 

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★Want to get started, but you're not sure how? Check out my FREE, 5 step guide to start your pain free path:★