Pain Relief Path

WW&T: Stories and Expectations

Dr. Pan Zhang Episode 27

Have you ever noticed that the expectations you have about your pain and response drastically effects how you respond and react to the situation? Have you seen how that changes your pain experience, and even effects your flare ups (or lack therof) after the situation?

In this episode, this is what we explore, through a client's experience. I take you through how we worked through this process together, and how you, like her, can shift your mindset to approach situations with different expectations to achieve different results. 

Are you ready to stop having chronic pain dictate how you think, feel, and act? 

As a Chronic Pain Coach, I help my clients get their lives back, so that their pain no longer is in charge. My clients learn how their bodies, minds, and stories effect their pain, and I provide safe ways to explore these aspects and simple, but effective and powerful tools to empower them to make real change. 

If you're ready to take the first step to getting freedom from your pain, follow me on:
Instagram: Pain_relief_path
YouTube: @drpanzhang
And make sure to subscribe to this podcast!